
Refugee Camp

  • Shadow of War
    Shadow of War

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    12/08/01, Aliabad, Afghanistan, (REFUGEE) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Nagiba, 10 days old girl rested on the hands of her mother Qariya, 27, inside the mud hut in a refugee.camp in Aliabad. She moved to the camp 10 months ago. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    01/03/02, Shomali Plain, Afghanistan (REFUGEEIII) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Samina, 3, ate a piece of bread at Shorawa village in Shomali Plain. After three years of living as refugee at Dashtak in Panshir Valley, some will live at Shorawa village which was not destroyed by the Taliban during the war because they were the Taliban stronghold Pashtun and some of them will live in tent while they are trying to rebuild their own village near by. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200027

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    01/02/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (REFUGEEII) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Refugees cooking lunch at a hall way filled with smoke from the burning wood at former Russian Embassy Compound in Kabul which became a refugee camp. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200026

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    12/10/01, Bagh-i-Shirkat, Afghanistan, (AID) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Zibida, 10, waited among the women as they waited for food distribution at Bagh-i-Shirkat refugee camp near Kunduz. It was first food distributed for refugees since bombing began in Kunduz district and it was handled by IOM, International Organization for Migration. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    12/10/01, Bagh-i-Shirkat, Afghanistan, (AID) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Refugees waited to get in line to get wheat at Bagh-i-Shirkat refugee camp near Kunduz. It was first food distributed for refugees since bombing began in Kunduz district and it was handled by IOM, International Organization for Migration. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    12/10/01, Bagh-i-Shirkat, Afghanistan, (AID) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Saidmazfar, 10, needed help from Naim, 8, to carry the bag of wheat which weights 50 kg, (110lbs) as others waited to get in line at Bagh-i-Shirkat refugee camp near Kunduz. It was first food distributed for refugees since bombing began in Kunduz district and it was handled by IOM, International Organization for Migration. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) ORG XMIT: 200111923

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    01/02/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (REFUGEEII) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Refugees on the steps of the filthy apartment at former Russian Embassy Compound in Kabul which became a refugee camp. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200026

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    01/02/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (REFUGEEII) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-A boy passed by the door as it was filled with smoke from the burning wood to cook lunch at former Russian Embassy Compound in Kabul which became a refugee camp. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200026

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    01/02/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (REFUGEEII) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Naqib, 7, getting drinking water from a water truck as others tried to fight for the water at former Russian Embassy Compound in Kabul which became a refugee camp. He gets water three times a day for his family of eight. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200026

  • refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR
    refugee camp...SHADOW OF WAR

    01/02/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (REFUGEEII) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Saghadullah, 3, with his back to camera spent some quiet time with his brothers, Gailani, 6, left, drawing, and Sultan Mohammad, 12, right, in a room that 14 of his family live at former Russian Embassy Compound in Kabul which became a refugee camp. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200026

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