The Suffered...
03/06/03, Sulaimaniya, Iraq-Nazib Namek Tofek, 37, from Shorsh town near the border between PUK and Iraqi regime, was treated for her third degree burn on her hands, left leg, and back at Sulaimaniya Teaching Hospital. Four days ago, she was carrying 5 gallons of petrol from Kirkuk to bring it home. When she was stopped at the first check point outside Kirkuk, still under the control of Saddam's regime, an officer at the check point confiscated her petrol, spread some of them on her body and threw a burning match on her setting her on fire. It burned her hands, left leg, and her back. An old man nearby save her and brought her to PUK controlled area. Many poor people near the border travel to Kirkuk to buy petrol to save money. It costs 20 Iraqi Dinar (Swiss printed which Kurdish people are using) for 5 gallons of petrol at PUK controlled area which last about 4-5 days for her family of 10. She can buy the same petrol for 2 Iraqi Dinar in Kirkuk and it costs her 10 I.D. for travel and about 3-4 I.D. for bribe at the check point. Ultimately, she traveled to Kirkuk to save 5 Iraqi Dinar which is a little more than US 50 cents each time, 5-6 times a month. She was raising her hand up to better circulate her blood flow and to lessen her swelling on her hand. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200301808