
Life in Afghanistan

  • BEAUTIFUL LIFE...Afghanistan 2001-02
    BEAUTIFUL LIFE...Afghanistan 2001-02

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    12/16/01, Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, (MOSQUE) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-A man left alone on a carpet as the rain mark get closer to him after the other people left right after they prayed as the rain started to pour down before the end of the service during a prayer service which officially ends Ramajan and starts a new holiday called 'EID' which lasts for three days of celebration at Shrine of Ali Mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    01/20/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (MASSOUD) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Afghan people watched a soccer practice in front of a giant Ahmad Shah Massoud portrait at Olympic Stadium, where the Taliban used to execute the people in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200313

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    12/02/01, Alchin, Afghanistan, (CHILDREN) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Mother Delber, 40 years old, Khalbibi, 14, standing, Ambrook, 6, at the door, Fazluddin, 10, right, and Qandaga, 8, warming up in their room in Alchin village near Kunduz. They all have only one name. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    12/03/01, Kunduz, Afghanistan, (FLOAT) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Men were washing themselves with the water leaking from the water pipe after working at Kunduz Bazaar in Kunduz. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    12/12/01, Charykari, Afghanistan, (CHARYKARI) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-A woman begged on a street at Charykari, a small village near khanabad, where American bomb devestated the village. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    01/22/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (KABUL) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Government started to pay salary to their civilian employees in checks and the Central Bank cashed them out in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200315

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    03/27/02, Nahren, Afghanistan-Children followed a truck that gave out bread on the devastated street of Nahren where a 5.9 earthquake killed at least 800 people, UN clamed. Shomali people who have shops at Pul-i-Khumli, the nearest city, donated breads for the earthquake victims. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200202673

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    04/11/02, Samar Kheel, Afghanistan-Students of Ahsan School, all refugee children, played Ghorsai on a field in Samar Kheel. Samar Kheel is on the East of Jalalabad in Afghanistan. While they were playing the poppy eradication program was going on right next town, Khosh Gombaz. Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times Sack#200202688

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    03/20/02, Kabul, Afghanistan-Afghan people celebrated Shab-e-Sal-e-Now, (New Year's Eve, New Year is Sal-e-Now) by Clapping and singing which is traditional Panjshir Valley style, at Inter Continental Ballroom at Inter Continental Hotel in Kabul. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200202666

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    ***EDN:This is for Amy Waldman's Hindu Story. Please hold this for Amy's Story*** 01/07/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (HINDU) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-A woman leaned her forehead against the altar to pray as Gormok Singh, 55, read Groo Grant Saib, the Hindu bible, while leading the prayer on the second floor during morning prayer service at Gooroduara Sing Sbha Temple at Kartepwan village in Kabul. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200031

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    ***EDN:This is for Amy Waldman's Hindu Story. Please hold this for Amy's Story*** 01/07/02, Kabul, Afghanistan, (HINDU) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Dandarkow, 55, prayed during morning prayer service at Gooroduara Sing Sbha Temple at Kartepwan village in Kabul. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200031

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    03/21/02, Kabul, Afghanistan-A man tried to get inside the fence where the Janda is but instead he was chocked by a gruard and kicked by another one. Afghan people celebrate Sal-e-Now, (New Year) by kissing the Janda, the pole that hangs a green flag for a holy man named Hazara Ali, at Sakhe Shrine at Karatah Sakhe in Kabul. The shrine was packed with people that the guards had to control the crowds with their sticks and rifles. Hazara Ali was from Saudi Arabia and passed by the shrine and he was one of the brother-in-law of Hazara Mohammad, a prophet of Islam. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200202667

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    03/21/02, Kabul, Afghanistan-Afghan people celebrated Sal-e-Now, (New Year) by kissing the Janda, the pole that hangs a flag for a holy man named Hazara Ali, at Sakhe Shrine at Karatah Sakhe village in Kabul. Hazara Ali was from Saudi Arabia and passed by the shrine and he was one of the brother-in-law of Hazara Mohammad, a prophet of Islam. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200202667

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    01/18/02, Salang Tunnel, Afghanistan, (Tunnel) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Mohammad Khalil, 32, a soldier, left, and Fazel, Rahman, 40, a crew who were not paid for last six month at a section that was bombed near the North side in Salang tunnel which is reopened to traffic. The section was once filled with debris caused by bombing up to the cealing. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200200311

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    04/14/02, Kabul, Afghanistan-Typical scen of destroyed buildings in Jada-e-Maiwand More than 1,200 workers destroyed rubbles throughout the city including Jada-e-Maiwand, sponsored by UNDP, United Nations Development Program. Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times Sack#200202691

  • life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE
    life in Afghanistan...BEAUTIFUL LIFE

    12/26/01, Kabul, Afghanistan, (CHANGSTER) (FGN) (DIGITAL)-Changster, the Gangster, Chang W. Lee, staff photographer at The New York Times is pictured with box camera in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Cr:Habibulah/Hidari Photo Studio)

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