
The Freedom

  • on the record... Iraq 2002-03
    on the record... Iraq 2002-03

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/10/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-An Iraqi Kurdish Kirkukee, came out from Kirkuk and waved a PUK flag to PUK pesh mergas to signal Kirkuk is falling at outskirt of Kirkuk.

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/10/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-Kirkukee, Kirkuk people, celebrating the liberation of Kirkuk. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200302769

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/10/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-A PUK pesh merga was shot in the arm with a bullet as he fought to capture the Kirkuk gonvernorate buidling, behind with an Iraqi flag still on. Other PUK pesh merga tried to evacuate him from the scene. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200302769

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/10/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-Kirkuk people throwing rocks and shoes to Saddam Hussein's statue right after Kirkuk was liberated.

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/10/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-Kirkukee, Kirkuk people, celebrating the liberation of Kirkuk. American special force soldiers were greeted by Kirkukees. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200302769

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/10/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-A boy and full load of a school bus, looting from the house of Iraqi oil minister's house in Kirkuk after Kirkuk fell. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200302769

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/10/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-Iraqi Kurdish Kirkukee, Kirkuk people, celebrating the liberation of Kirkuk with PUK green flags on top of Saddam Hussein's statue. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200302769

  • Kirkuk Liberated
    Kirkuk Liberated

    04/12/03, Kirkuk, Iraq-A vandalized Saddam Hussein's portrait in Kirkuk. (Cr:Chang W. Lee/The New York Times) Sack#200302771

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